"A will to remember" Alzheimer’s Society’s free Will service

As a cause that is close to all of our hearts, we are incredibly proud to announce our collaboration with Alzheimer's Society and their 'A Will to Remember' scheme.

This scheme allows us all the chance to make a lasting contribution to the lives of all those who are impacted by this terrible and destructive disease.

Alzheimer’s Society

Understanding the Scheme

This 'Will to Remember' scheme allows the supporters of Alzheimer's Society the opportunity to make a 'simple' will with collaborating law firms like ourselves.

By leaving gifts in your will to the charity, you will be aiding them in funding life-changing support and groundbreaking research. A gift in your will ensures that the memory of those suffering from dementia and their families lives on.

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How We Can Help You

Our experienced solicitors are always available for consultations if you decide that a 'Will to Remember; is the path for you. With their combined expertise and compassionate attitude, the team will provide you with all the tailored estate planning that we have to offer. Our team will always ensure that your desires and intentions are honoured, no matter what you choose.

Wills Team

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