Civil Partnerships

Perhaps marriage is not for you or your partner; if that is the case, then you can opt for the alternative, a Legal Civil Partnership.

Regardless of whether you are a same-sex couple or an opposite-sex couple, a civil partnership will provide you with that all-important legal recognition within our relationship.

Civil Partnership

Understanding Civil Partnerships

A civil partnership has the same responsibilities as a marriage; however, there is a slight difference. Unlike a marriage, where vows are exchanged, a civil partnership requires a couple to sign specific documentation in order to make the union official in the eyes of the law.

Civil partnership was first introduced in 2005 as a way for same-sex couples to receive legal recognition and protection. Initially, this union was restricted to same-sex couples only until the law was changed in 2019, which allowed opposite-sex couples to enter a civil partnership instead of marriage.

It is important to note that if you enter a civil partnership, you will receive the same rights as a married couple.

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How We Can Help You

Civil partnerships are a big step in any relationship, and similar to marriage, it can be daunting when deciding if that is what is best for you. Our experienced team of solicitors are equipped with the appropriate knowledge and expertise to help outline the legalities surrounding your union.

Civil Partnership

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